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Embrace Your Sacred Rage + Liberate Yourself with Alchemizing Anger

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the raw intensity of your emotions? Alchemizing Anger invites you to dive deep into the heart of your anger and uncover its transformative power. This is not just a class—it’s a journey into the essence of your emotional truth, guided by embodiment movement, somatic practices, using your voice & the elemental forces that shape our inner world.

What is Alchemizing Anger? Alchemizing Anger is a sacred space where women who are grappling with heartbreak, betrayal, or grief come together to explore their anger through elemental wisdom. We’ll harness the energies of fire, water, air, and earth along with sacred sensuality and much more to unlock profound healing and authentic empowerment. This is about turning rage into a powerful ally rather than a force that overwhelms and creates shame.


What You’ll Discover:

  • Elemental Alchemy: Engage in deep practices that channel the elemental energies to shift and release emotional blockages.
  • Sacred Rage: Transform your anger into a source of strength and self-discovery, rather than letting it consume or control you.
  • Emotional Mastery: Cultivate practices that help you navigate your emotional landscape with grace and insight.
  • Authentic Connection: Join a community of women who are committed to embracing their deepest truths and supporting each other’s journeys.


Why Should You Join?

  • Transformative Empowerment: Learn to embrace your anger as a powerful catalyst for personal growth and empowerment.
  • Deep Emotional Work: Gain tools to manage and understand your emotions without bypassing your core truths.
  • Find Your Authentic Self: Explore and express your true self in a safe and nurturing environment.
  • Community of Seekers: Connect with other women who are on a similar path of deep exploration and transformation.

Join the Waiting List: Step into a space of profound transformation. Sign up for our waiting list to be among the first to access this unique class, receive early-bird offers, and get exclusive updates before our launch next month.


And keep in touch on the Gram


About Noel:

Last year, I went through a divorce and ended an 18 year partnership. As a result I had to move through a ton of heartbreak, anger, confusion, grief and so much more. It allowed me to really lean into my anger in a newfound way... I finally reached the other side of my anger and used it as fuel for creativity. I then had many girlfriends reaching out saying that they were triggered by a boyfriend/ ex/ boss/ parent/ etc and wanted to know how I moved through it. I saw the need for this work so Alchemizing Anger was created. 


Official bio:

Noel Elie is an actress, director, CEO of Noel Elie Productions, and Speaker helping women feel turned on by living an audaciously liberated and sensual life through healing modalities like embodiment practices, sacred sexuality, plant medicine integration and shadow work. She currently resides in LA and has be seen on ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Post, Yoga Journal and more. Most recently Noel was dubbed "the meme queen" on social media @noel_elie providing fearless and empowered levity to men and women around the world.